NCR Forms provide the functionality of carbon paper without the carbon paper. They are available in 2, 3, and 4-part colored sets to clearly identify each page of the form. NCR Forms come padded in collated sets preprinted in either 1 or 2 colors. Numbering can be added if you prefer or when set serialized forms are required.
70% ink coverage maximum. We recommend no heavy solid backgrounds. Heavy coverage may extend turnaround time due to dry time to avoid scuffs or scratches.
1&2 Color printing does not allow for bleeds.
The most common order options are 8.5" x 11" on NCR Paper with 2 Parts. NCR Forms are frequently printed in both 1 and 2 color, including a Pantone color, on the front and usually just one color on the back (1/1, 2/1). They are most often padded (glued) on the top.
Turnaround 3-5 Business Days
Marketing Tips
NCR Forms are an efficient way to provide multiple color-coded copies of a single document that includes handwritten or typed information. They are the modern replacement for forms with carbon paper. NCR Forms eliminate the carbon mess and are a much more professional alternative to filling out multiple copies of a form on white paper. Use them for forms of all types, such as order forms, packing lists, invoices, and receipts. They are particularly useful where quantities, checkmarks, or signatures will be added to the form by hand.
The back side of the form is the perfect location for printing terms & conditions, warranty information, or other non-variable text that you want on every copy.
NCR Paper
NCR paper provides duplicates when written or typed on without the use of carbon. Each sheet in a single set is a different color to make it easy to differentiate between copies. It's better for the environment than carbon copy paper and makes record keeping easy.
We offer 2, 3 or 4 parts with NCR paper, depending on how many copies you need in each set.
- 2 Part Forms come in White / Canary
- 3 Part Forms come in White / Canary / Pink
- 4 Part Forms come in White / Canary / Pink / Gold
Padding means the gluing of multiple pieces of paper stacked together on a single edge, as typically seen with pads of paper.
- Padding on Top
- Padding on the Left
- Padding on the Right